Tropical Diversity (2019) 1(2): 48-56.
ISSN: 2596-2388
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11068861
© 2019 The Authors
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus (Bloch) (Teleostei,
Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae): a geometric morphometric analysis
Variação geográfica em Prionotus punctatus (Bloch) (Teleostei, Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae):
uma análise morfométrico-geométrica
Mauro J. Cavalcanti1*, Paulo Roberto Duarte Lopes2
1Ecoinformatics Studio, Caixa Postal 46521, CEP 20551-940 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, E-mail:
2Departamento de Ciências Biológicas (Museu de Zoologia - Divisão de Peixes), Universidade Estadual de Avenida
Transnordestina, s/no (km 03 BR-116), CEP 44036-900, Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil.
Received: August 14, 2019 / Accepted: September 30, 2019 / Published: October 2, 2019
Resumo Padrões de variação geográfica na forma
do corpo foram analisadas em nove amostras de
populações da cabrinha Prionotus punctatus
(Bloch) da costa nordeste, sudeste e sul do Brasil,
usando técnicas de morfometria geométrica. As
nove amostras foram ordenadas pela análise de
variáveis canônicas em três grupos
correspondendo às regiões norte e sul da isoterma
de 23C. As diferenças de forma representam um
contraste entre um aumento da altura do corpo nos
exemplares do litoral nordeste e um alongamento
do corpo nos exemplares das outras amostras.
Estes resultados sugerem que existe extensa
variação geográfica em P. punctatus no litoral
brasileiro. Os padrões de variação geográfica na
forma do corpo são aparentemente relacionados
ao decréscimo na temperatura da água na direção
sul ao longo da costa.
Palavras-Chave: Prionotus, América do Sul,
morfometria geométrica, variação geográfica.
Abstract Patterns of geographic variation in body
shape were analyzed in nine population samples
of the searobin Prionotus punctatus (Bloch) from
the northeastern, southeastern, and south Brazilian
coast, using geometric morphometrics techniques.
The nine samples were ordinated by canonical
variate analysis into three groups corresponding to
regions north and south of the 23C isotherm. The
shape differences represent a contrast between an
increase in body depth in the specimens of the
northeastern coast and an elongation of the body
in the remaining samples. These results suggest
that there is extensive geographic variation in P.
punctatus along the Brazilian coast. The patterns
of geographic variation in body shape are
apparently related to decreasing water temperature
southward along the coast.
Keywords: Prionotus, South America, geometric
morphometrics, geographic variation.
Cavalcanti & Lopes (2019)
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus
© 2019 The Authors
The searobin, Prionotus punctatus
(Bloch) is a medium-sized benthic fish found in
shallow to moderate depths feeding mainly on
crustaceans and molluscs. It ranges from the coast
of Central America (Belize) to Argentina
(Ginsburg 1950). In Brazil, P. punctatus has been
recorded from Pernambuco to Rio Grande do Sul
(Figueiredo & Menezes 1980). Although not
considered to be a species of commercial
importance, P. punctatus is a large component of
demersal fisheries in the southeastern Brazilian
coast, and provides local fishermen with a source
of income when catches of other species are
reduced (Andrade 2004). Therefore, detailed
knowledge of its distribution is important for the
management of this species as a potential
economic resource. However, despite its wide
distribution, little is known about the patterns of
geographic variation in this species. Ginsburg
(1950) pointed out the existence of differences in
meristic and morphometric characters among
local population of P. punctatus from the
Caribbean and the South American coast, but
because of the small size of the samples available
to him, this author could not draw definite
conclusions regarding the taxonomic significance
of these differences. He concluded, however, that
the differences seemed to be in the range of those
usually detected among the local populations of
species with a wide geographic range. Over the
last two decades, several studies have documented
the widespread occurrence of extensive
geographic variation in both benthic and demersal
marine fish species along the coasts of South
America and Africa in the South Atlantic Ocean
(see Cavalcanti & Lopes 1998 for a short review).
These studies offer abundant support to the
emerging paradigm of populations of marine
species as closed systems, only very loosely, if at
all, by the gene flow promoted by ocean currents
(Cowen et al. 2000, Hellberg et al. 2002).
Despite its potential to detect patterns of
size and shape changes at both the inter- and
intraspecific levels, geometric morphometrics
(Bookstein 1991) methods have been infrequently
applied to the study of geographic variation in
local populations of marine fishes. Corti &
Crosetti (1996) were the first to report the
application of geometric morphometrics to the
analysis of patterns of geographic variation in size
and shape of a marine fish. More recently,
Valentin et al. (2002), Medina et al. (2008),
Oliveira et al. (2009), Luceño et al. (2013),
Luceño et al. (2014)and Cabasan et al. (2017)also
applied similar techniques to analyze geographic
variation in marine fish species.
The objective of this work was to analyze
geographic variation in body shape in P.
punctatus along the Brazilian coast, applying
geometric morphometrics and multivariate
statistical methods.
Materials and Methods
The specimens of P. punctatus examined
in this study are housed in the collections of
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Bahia
(UEFS), Universidade do Estado do Rio de
Janeiro (UERJ), and Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). A total
of 56 individuals from 9 localities were measured.
Localities, geographic coordinates and sample
sizes are listed in Table 1.
Cavalcanti & Lopes (2019)
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus
© 2019 The Authors
Table 1. Locality, geographic coordinates, location relative to the 23°C isotherm, region, and sample size of the nine
populations of Prionotus punctatus examined in the present study.
relative to
Baía de Todos os Santos
12° 48' S
Baía de Guanabara
22° 48' S
Baía da Ilha Grande
23° 09' S
23° 40' S
Porto Belo
27° 07' S
27° 35' S
28° 04' S
29° 21' S
31° 05' S
Because the number of specimens from
some samples was inadequate for statistical
analyses, the localities were pooled into three
non-contiguous regions,located respectively to the
north and to the south of the 23° C isotherm: (1)
the sample from the northeastern coast of Brazil
(NE); (2) the samples from the southeastern coast
(SE); and (2) the samples from the southern coast
(S) (Fig. 1). This division was done on the basis
of the proposal by Palacio (1982) that the 23° C
isotherm (the line of constant mean annual
temperature, located approximately at the 21° S
latitude) defines the limit between two distinct
biogeographic regions in the Brazilian coast. A
previous study by Cavalcanti & Lopes (1998)
provided evidence of geographic variation in
quantitative characters in the batfish
Ogcocephalus vespertilio corresponding to the
regions north and south of the 23° C isotherm.
Measurements were made using a truss
network protocol (Strauss & Bookstein 1982;
McGlade & Boulding 1986), anchored at 10
homologous anatomical landmarks (Fig. 2).
Landmarks refer to: (1) anterior tip of the snout on
the upper jaw; (2) most posterior aspect of the
neurocranium (beginning of scaled nape); (3)
origin of pelvic fin; (4) origin of spinous dorsal
fin; (5) origin of anal fin; (6) origin of soft dorsal
fin; (7) insertion of anal fin; (8) insertion of
second dorsal fin; (9) insertion of first ventral
caudal fin ray; (10) insertion of first dorsal caudal
fin ray. All measurements were taken with an
electronic caliper to the nearest 0.05 mm.
The 21 interlandmark distances obtained
from the truss network were converted to
Cartesian coordinates by means of a simplified
multidimensional scaling algorithm (Carpenter et
al. 1996), using the UNFOLD program written by
H. J. S. Sommer.
The raw coordinates of all specimens
were aligned (i.e. translated, rotated, and scaled to
match one another) using the Procrustes
generalized orthogonal least-squares (GLS)
superimposition method, which fits one
Cavalcanti & Lopes (2019)
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus
© 2019 The Authors
configuration over another by minimizing the
squared distances between homologous landmarks
(Rohlf & Slice 1990). The average configuration
of landmarks resulting from this procedure served
as the "reference" or tangent configuration
(defining the point of tangency between the non-
linear shape space and the approximating tangent
space, see Rohlf, 1996) in the subsequent
Canonical variate analysis and
multivariate analysis of variance were used to
evaluate the patterns of variation and
discrimination among the population samples of
P. punctatus. Canonical analysis provided
weighted combinations of characters, termed
canonical variates, maximizing among-sample
variation with respect to the within-sample
variation. Each canonical variate represented an
identifiable fraction of the total variation in the
data. This has been one of the most widely used
ordination technique for studying geographic
variation (Gould & Johnston 1972; Thorpe, 1976).
Shape changes associated with the canonical
variate axes were depicted as deformation grids
generated by regressing the partial-warp scores
onto each canonical axis (Rohlf et al., 1996). All
computations were performed using the software
MorphoJ v.1.0.6d (Klingenberg 2011).
Figure 1. Locations of the 10 anatomical landmarks (numbered points) and morphometric distance measurements
recorded on each specimen of Prionotus punctatus.
Cavalcanti & Lopes (2019)
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus
© 2019 The Authors
Figure 2. Distribution map of the nine population samples of P. punctatus analyzed in this study.
The canonical analysis of body shape
variation showed that the Mahalanobis distances
among the nine populations of P. punctatus
differed significantly between the Northeastern
and Southeastern or Southern populations (Wilks’
lambda, P < 0.0001), but not between the
Southeastern and Southern populations (P =
0.2005). Two canonical vectors accounted for
100% of the total among-group variation, with the
first and second canonical vectors explaining,
respectively, 81.8% and 18.2% of the total
variation. The space defined by these two
canonical vectors disclosed three groups of
populations, one formed by the Northeastern
Brazil population, a second representing the
Southeastern Brazil population and a third
composed of the Southern Brazil populations (Fig.
3). The Baía de Todos os Santos (Northeastern
Brazil) population is discriminated from the other
populations along the first canonical vector,
whereas the group formed by the populations of
Baía de Guanabara, Ilha Grande, and
Caraguatatuba (Southeastern Brazil) is separated
from the Southern Brazil (Porto Belo,
Florianópolis, Garopaba, Torres, Mostardas)
populations along the second canonical vector. A
few individuals from the Southeastern and
Southern populations overlap partially in the
space of the second canonical vectors, indicating
Cavalcanti & Lopes (2019)
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus
© 2019 The Authors
that these individuals are morphometrically
The shape changes depicted along the
canonical variates (Fig. 4) indicate a relative
increase in body depth in the specimens from Baía
de Todos os Santos, as well as an elongation of
the caudal region in the specimens of the
remaining populations, leading to a more bulky
shape in the populations of Northwestern Brazil
and a more slender shape in the populations of
Southeastern and Southern Brazil.
Figure 3. Outlines of scatterplots of individual scores from the canonical variates analysis of the population samples of
P. punctatus, with 95% confidence interval around group means (NE = Northeastern; SE = Southeastern; S = Southern).
Figure 4. Shape changes in P. punctatus in relation to the reference specimen (in light blue) along the first (top) and
second (bottom) canonical variates (in black).
Cavalcanti & Lopes (2019)
Geographic variation in Prionotus punctatus
© 2019 The Authors
The results presented in this paper point to
extensive variation in shape in the populations of
P. punctatus studied. Geographic variation in
marine fishes has been regarded as the
consequence of different environmental
conditions, such as water temperature, salinity,
and dissolved oxygen (Barlow, 1961; Gunther,
1961), acting on groups of geographically
isolated populations and leading to adaptive
genetic changes (Palumbi, 1994).
The waters of the coast of Cabo Frio, near
Arraial do Cabo, are influenced by an important
coastal upwelling phenomenon, characterized by
lower salinity and temperature and richness of
nutrients. To the north, coastal waters are under
the influence of the tropical waters of the Brazil
Current, of higher salinity and temperature, and
with a reduced nutrient content (Valentin 2001).
This may act as an important factor in the
differentiation of marine populations and has
already been shown to influence patterns of
geographic differentiation in several species of
demersal fishes occurring along that stretch of the
Brazilian coast (Vazzoler, 1971; Vargas, 1976;
Yamaguti, 1979; Paiva Filho & Cergole, 1988;
Cavalcanti & Lopes, 1998; Oliveira et al., 2009).
In a study of age and growth of P. punctatus in
the southern coast of Brazil, on the basis of
increments in the sagittal otolith, Andrade (2004)
suggested that water temperature may in fact be
one of the most important environmental factors
affecting the growth patterns in this species.
A major potential limitation of the present
study are the small sample sizes available for
some localities, that while not being atypical of
most systematic studies, could disturb the results
of statistical analyses. Nonetheless, in the present
study these small sample sizes might be expected
to obscure patterns of differentiation rather than
create them. Further studies, including the
collection of specimens from the intervening
areas, will be necessary in order to provide a more
complete understanding of the underlying causes
of geographic variation in P. punctatus along the
Brazilian coast.
We thank Drs. Ulisses L. Gomes (UERJ)
and Carlos T. Lucena (PUCRS) for kindly
allowing us to examine specimens under their
care. We also thank H. J. S. Sommer III
(Pennsylvania State University) for the software
to reconstruct landmark coordinates from truss
distance data, and Jailza Tavares de Oliveira-Silva
(UEFS) for the photo of a specimen of P.
punctatus. Joey P. Cabasan (University of the
Philippines Mindanao) provided constructive
criticism and valuable suggestions which
contributed to the improvement of an earlier
version of the manuscript. This paper is dedicated
to the memory of Dr. Dennis E. Slice (1958-
2019), for his everlasting contributions to
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