Tropical Diversity (2024) 4(1): 1-12.
ISSN: 2596-2388
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10863712
© 2023 The Authors
Free DELTA: An open-source system for processing taxonomic descriptions
Free DELTA: Um sistema de código aberto para o processamento de descrições taxonômicas
Mauro J. Cavalcanti1 *, Edinaldo Nelson dos Santos-Silva2, Luis Geraldes-Primeiro2
1Ecoinformatics Studio, Caixa Postal 18123, CEP 20720-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
2Laboratório de Plâncton, Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Av.
André Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, CEP 69060-000, Manaus, AM, Brazil.
Received: 28, November 2023 / Accepted: 31, January 2024 / Published: 2, February 2024
Resumo O sistema DELTA (DEscription
Language for TAxonomy) consiste de um formato
flexível para a codificação de descrições
taxonômicas e um conjunto de programas para o
manejo e organização da informação taxonômica,
como construção de chaves dicotômicas, produção
de descrições em linguagem natural e
identificação interativa. Todavia, o sistema
DELTA original foi baseado em um modelo de
software proprietário, que coloca limites à
utilização e expansão do sistema. O Projeto Free
DELTA é uma alternativa de software livre e
código aberto para um sistema genérico de
processamento de descrições taxonômicas, que
proporcione uma ferramenta de suporte acessível
para inventários sistemáticos de biodiversidade.
Palavras-Chave: identificação biológica, chaves
taaxonômicas, informática para biodiversidade,
formato DELTA
Abstract The DELTA (DEscription Language for
TAxonomy) system consists in a flexible format
for coding taxonomic descriptions and a set of
programs to handling and organizing taxonomic
information, as construction of dichotomous keys,
production of natural language descriptions, and
interactive identification. However, the original
DELTA system was based on a proprietary
software model, that puts limits to the use and
expansion of the system. The Free DELTA
Project is a free, open-source, software alternative
for a generic system to the processing of
taxonomic descriptions, which offers an
accessible tool to support systematic biodiversity
Keywords: biological identification, taxonomic keys,
biodiversity informatics, DELTA format
Cavalcanti et al. (2024)
© 2023 The Authors
A critical issue for the entire world is
decreasing biological diversity, with detrimental
impacts for food production, pharmaceuticals
research, and the climate, which directly impair
economic systems and human societies (Wilson,
1992). A better understanding of biodiversity is
needed in order to decrease its current rate of loss
and then revert it in the future. The first fundamental
step is to know what exists and how to identify it,
what is of primary concern to the science of
biological systematics (Forey et al., 1994; Vane-
Wright, 1996). As biodiversity losses increase all
over the world, the need to increase the efficiency of
systematists and the usefulness of taxonomic data,
with better means of organizing them (Watson,
1971) has also become evident. The application of
information technology to the storage, retrieval, and
analysis of systematic data provides the primary
means of achieving this (Edwards & Morse, 1995).
The DELTA format (Dallwitz, 1980;
Dallwitz & Paine, 1992) is the most comprehensive
format developed for the electronic storage and
retrieval of taxonomic descriptive data which aimed
to be universally accessible to the biological
systematics research community. Software packages
based on the DELTA format, in turn, provide a
flexible and powerful set of tools for efficiently
handling complex and variable taxonomic
descriptive data and generating essential taxonomic
products like dichotomous keys and natural-
language descriptions (Watson et al., 1988; Dallwitz,
1993; Dallwitz, Paine, and Zurcher, 1993; Dallwitz,
Paine, and Zurcher, 1999; Askevold & O’Brien,
1994; Coleman et al., 2010). The DELTA system
has been demonstrated to be a valuable tool for
biodiversity surveys, where the precise and efficient
identification of organisms is of major importance
(Ellis, 1988; Allkin et al. 1992; Jarvie & Stevens,
1998; Sharkey, 2001).
However, a major problem hampering the
more widespread use of the DELTA system is that
much of the existing software for handling data in
DELTA format is closed source, available only in
binary executable form, and so not amenable to be
modified, upgraded, or ported to different operating
systems, for any parties outside the original
development team. This invariably leads to the end
of support for such software, when funding ceases
and the development team disband. In this paper, an
open source, cross-platform software package for
handling taxonomic descriptive data based on the
DELTA format is presented and described. This
package is developed after the GNU Project and the
Free Software Movement (Stallman, 1999), and
therefore assures the user community complete
freedom not only to run the package, but to modify it
to suit any special needs.
The DELTA System
DELTA stands for DEscription Language
for TAxonomy. The DELTA system consists of a
flexible format for coding descriptive taxonomic
information and a set of associated programs which
manipulate the data to produce natural-language
descriptions and keys, interactive identification and
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© 2023 The Authors
information retrieval, and to convert data into
formats required by programs for phenetic and
cladistic analysis.
The DELTA format allows all kinds of
characters, both qualitative (binary or multi-state,
ordered or unordered) or quantitative (integer or
real, with units if needed). Comments are allowed
anywhere, and character dependency can be
described. Directives are used to control computer
processing of DELTA-coded data.
Although other generic formats for the
representation of biological descriptive data have
been proposed (White & Allkin, 1992; Maddison et
al., 1997), the DELTA format was especially
designed to provide a generalized system capable of
handling all the different kinds of data used by
taxonomists, as well as for facilities to directly
generate taxonomic products as dichotomous keys
and natural-language descriptions, and translate data
into many external formats required by programs for
classification and interactive identification
(Dallwitz, 1993).
The original DELTA system has been under
development since the mid 1970's by Mike Dallwitz,
Toni Paine, and Eric Zurcher at CSIRO Division of
Entomology, Canberra, Australia (Dallwitz, 1980).
Similar packages for processing of DELTA data
were also developed in the United Kingdom by
Richard Pankhurst of the Royal Botanic Gardens at
Edinburgh (Pankhurst, 1986), in The Netherlands by
Eric Gouda at the Botanic Gardens of Utrecht
University (Gouda, 1996), in Australia by Nicholas
Lander at the Western Australian Herbarium
(Lander, 1993), in Spain by Antonio Valdecasas at
the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Bello et
al. 1996), and in Brazil by Mauro J. Cavalcanti at
Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro (Cavalcanti, 1996). All these packages are
closed source, proprietary software, available only in
binary executables and restricted to a single
operating system. Later on, DELTA programs based
on the open source model were developed in
Germany by Gregor Hagedorn at the Institute of
Microbiology, Federal Biological Research Center
(Hagedorn 2001), in the United States by Michael
Bartley and Noel Cross at the Arnold Arboretum of
the Harvard University and then in Germany by
Dieter Neubacher and Gerhard Rambold at
Mycology Department, University of Bayreuth
(Neubacher & Rambold, 2005), in Italy by Claudio
Rivetti and Riccardo Percudani at University of
Parma (Rivetti & Percudani, 1999), and in Australia
by the Atlas of Living Australia (2014).
In 1988, DELTA was adopted by the
International Working Group on Taxonomic
Databases for Plant Sciences (TDWG) as an
internationally recognized standard for data
encoding and exchange. Combining traditional
taxonomic practices with modern information
technology, the DELTA system has since became
one of the most valuable and widely used
computerized tools for biodiversity research.
Many datasets have already been prepared
with DELTA, for flowering plant families, grasses,
sedges, legumes, beetles (adults and larvae), ants,
corals, plant viruses, etc. Several of these datasets
incorporate line, gray-scale and color illustrations,
and some are freely available on the Internet; at the
time of writing, there are 61 datasets in the DELTA
website ( and 28 datasets in the
NaviKey website
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The Free DELTA Project
The Free DELTA project was launched in
April, 2000 with the aim of creating a complete
cross-platform, free, open-source software system
for processing taxonomic descriptions coded in
DELTA format, following the decision by CSIRO
Division of Entomology to stop funding the
development of the original DELTA programs.
The Free DELTA package was designed
from to start to include a library for parsing DELTA-
format files plus all the utilities needed to process
taxonomic data coded in DELTA: format-
conversion, key-construction, distance-matrix
generation, and interactive identification programs,
as well as a specialized editor for handling
taxonomic descriptive data. However, although the
Free DELTA programs should be able to process
regular DELTA-coded files, they would not be
identical to the original DELTA system. Free
DELTA software would incorporate several
improvements, based on our experience with other
taxonomic computing systems. In particular, it
should offer a better treatment of quantitative data
(with automatic breakdown of real numeric
characters into classes and computing of descriptive
statistics for each), as well as more analytical and
format-conversion procedures.
The Free DELTA parser libraries should
provide a standard, versatile and extensible
collection of routines for handling DELTA datasets.
This set of routines is currently available in C++,
Python, and Object Pascal programming languages
and provide the basic support for the Free DELTA
software; furthermore, they are ready for
incorporation within individual application programs
or database systems as they are created by different
software developers. These routines are released as
complete, open source code. So, a user who needs a
different system for taxonomic data management is
able to develop it himself, or hire any available
programmer or company to develop it for him or
her, while retaining the benefits of a standard format
for encoding taxonomic data. The availability of full
source code also enables a user to tailor these
routines according to his or her more specific needs.
It is hoped that this will help to further expand the
DELTA user community, as well as to strengthen
the role of DELTA as a standard taxonomic data
coding and transfer system.
In July, 2000 the first DELTA parser library,
written in C++ by Denis Ziegler, with additional
contributions by Guillaume Rousse and Bastiaan
Wakkie, has been developed for the Free DELTA
In May, 2005 the Free DELTA project was
registered at SourceForge, the world's largest open-
source software development website, with the
largest repository of open-source code and
applications available on the Internet, and where the
Free DELTA website is now to be located on a
permanent basis.
In February, 2010 the PyDELTA parser
library, written in Python by the Mauro Cavalcanti
and Thomas Kluyver was released as yet another
contribution to the software infrastructure of the
Free DELTA Project; this library would later be
used as the basis for the development of the first
prototype of the Free DELTA Editor.
In February, 2013 the former CSIRO
DELTA Development Team released the
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© 2023 The Authors
FORTRAN source code of the main “classic”
DELTA programs (CONFOR, KEY, and DIST),
which were then incorporated into the core of the
Free DELTA Project; the source code of these
programs was not modified by the Free DELTA
project, and new executable files were not generated.
In July, 2016 a prototype of the Free
DELTA Editor was developed as a cross-platform
desktop application written in the Python
programming language and using the PyDELTA
parser library. This tool was released on an
experimental basis in December, 2017.
Finally, in January, 2020 a production
version of the Free DELTA Editor was released to
the public, That is a much-improved version of the
experimental software previously developed,
entirely re-implemented in FreePascal/Lazarus as a
full cross-platform desktop application.
The Free Delta Editor
The Free Delta Editor (FDE) is a cross-
platform software package for editing DELTA data
files and running DELTA based programs
This tool provides an interactive, user-
friendly interface to DELTA-format files as a real
DELTA data entry/maintenance program. With it, it
is possible to insert or delete items, characters, and
states, without having to worry about the
consistency of the DELTA files. A database-like
interface makes it easy to setup and maintain the
main DELTA data files (ITEMS, CHARS and
SPECS), as well as several of the DELTA directives
files (TONAT, TOKEY, TODIS). A spreadsheet-
like visualization facility for item and character data
is also available (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - The Free Delta Editor database viewer (A) and data matrix viewer (B).
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It also makes possible to start all DELTA
programs and create dichotomous keys for
identification, natural-language descriptions,
statistical reports, distance matrices, cluster and
ordination analysis, providing a viewer to look at
and print the results (output files) (Figures 3 and 4).
Figure 3 Natural-language description viewer.
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Figura 4 - Dichotomous key viewer.
The Free Delta Editor is written in
FreePascal/Lazarus, a free, cross-platform object-
oriented programming language for Rapid
Application Development. Therefore, the program is
platform-independent, and can run without
modifications on any PC compatible with the x86
architecture, under GNU/Linux, MacOSX, and MS-
Its user interface resembles, but is not a
clone of, that of the CSIRO and ALA DELTA
Editors. A major difference is that in the Free Delta
Editor all views are read-only and there is only one
way of describing a taxon; the ‘Items’ and
‘Characters’ panes are read-only, and attributes may
be edited only in the ‘Value’ pane This is an attempt
to make the process of creating a descriptive
database more orderly and less confusing than it
seems to be in the case of the CSIRO/ALA Editors;
these editors also have a ‘Values’ pane, but, in
addition, attributes can be edited in the ‘Characters’
pane, which means that there is more than a way of
editing the character attributes, therefore making the
process prone to confusion for the inexperienced
Another important difference concerns the
data file format: the Free Delta Editor uses
conventional zip-compressed files (with the .dtz
extension) to store all DELTA-formatted data. At a
minimum, these files must include the three basic
DELTA files (CHARS, ITEMS, and SPECS) and
can be created either by exporting an already
existing dataset from the CSIRO Delta or ALA
Delta programs and compressing them into a zip file
(changing its extension to .dtz), or by using the Free
Delta Environment Import option from the File
The Free Delta Editor provides for
clustering and ordination (using principal
coordinates) of the distance matrix computed by
DIST, using for that the powerful R free software
environment for statistical computing and graphics
(Ihaka & Gentleman, 1996). Therefore, R must be
installed on a users machine in order for performing
cluster and principal coordinates analyses with the
Free Delta Editor (Figure 5).
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Figure 5 Cluster analysis viewer.
The Free Delta Editor is initially available in
English, French, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese,
but any interested person can provide a translation
for her/his native language. No knowledge of
programming is required, just a freely available and
easy to use free software tools like POEdit or
The current emphasis of the Free Delta
Editor is on the production of natural language
descriptions, dichotomous keys, and phenetic
analyses. Support for interactive identification is
quite limited and restricted to the MS-Windows
version, which simply calls the CSIRO DELTA
Intkey program, if installed. Support for Intkey is
not available in the GNU/Linux version. The
primary goal of the Free Delta Project in the near
future is the development of a new, open source,
cross platform interactive identification program
(‘Freekey’), similar, but not identical to, the current
CSIRO DELTA Intkey. This will be implemented as
a separate application, which will use the same data
files created and edited using the Free Delta Editor
(therefore no 'format conversion' will be necessary).
Currently, binary executables are provided
for MS-Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10) and GNU/Linux
systems (Debian); a Mac OS version is not
available; however, since the development tool now
used for the implementation of the Free Delta
software (FreePascal/Lazarus) is fully cross-
platform, it should be fairly simple to compile a
version for Mac's.
All Free DELTA software is released as free
software, under the GNU General Public License
(Stallman, 1999).
The Free Delta Editor applied to biodiversity
In a systematic study on Neotropical
microcrustaceans, the Free Delta Editor was applied
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© 2023 The Authors
to create a large database of 2700 characters and 37
species in the copepod genus Notodiaptomus Kiefer,
1936(Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae). The
ability to store and process this volume of taxonomic
data has made the Free Delta Editor a unique
multiplatform software package among DELTA-
based programs.
Using the DELTA programs directives
(commands), it was possible to obtain automatic
description in natural language, dichotomous
identification keys for males and females, an
assisted interactive key with images, annotations,
and synonyms (Figure 6), as well as a character
matrix for the analysis of phylogenetic relationships
using the PAUP program (Swofford, 2003).
Undoubtedly, the possibility of managing these
types of data, in the scale and complexity, was
decisive for the systematic study of such a
morphologically diverse group of organisms as
microcrustaceans (see Geraldes-Primeiro, 2023).
Indeed, the versatility of character matrices
generated by DELTA-based programs extends to
their compatibility with various phylogenetic
inference software, such as PAUP (Swofford, 2003)
and TNT (Goloboff et al., 2008). This allows
researchers to seamlessly integrate their taxonomic
data into different analytical tools, enabling a
broader spectrum of analyses and enhancing the
utility of the generated datasets.
Tropical Diversity (2024) 4(1): 1-12.
ISSN: 2596-2388
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10863712
© 2023 The Authors
Figure 6 DELTA Intkey program running the interactive key for the species of Notodiaptomus. A. Initial
screen with the characters used (left) and taxa for identification (right); B. Secondary screen with the selected
character (top left) and remaining taxa (top right); C. Screen illustrating the states observed for the selected
Cavalcanti et al. (2024)
© 2023 The Authors
Recent advances in the application of
computer technology to taxonomy offer the prospect
of fast, large-scale character extraction and
automated identification of organisms using
computer vision and neural networks (Weeks &
Gaston, 1997; MacLeod, 2008; Gaston & O’Neill,
2004; La Salle et al., 2009). Coupled with the more
conventional methods of computer-aided
identification best represented by the DELTA
system, such techniques can provide a much-needed
boost in the productivity of taxonomists faced with
the biodiversity crisis. In this context, we expect that
the availability of a free, open source, cross-platform
software tool for the storage, retrieval, and analysis
of DELTA-coded taxonomic descriptive data will
prove a useful contribution to the present and future
generations of taxonomists worldwide. This further
justifies the importance of such initiatives as the
Free-DELTA software, which in addition to
ensuring speed and consistency in the management
of complex taxonomic data, provides greater
precision to achieve one of the most fundamental
logical precepts of science: reproducibility (Peng,
We thank Drs. Mike Dallwitz (CSIRO
Division of Entomology [retired], Australia), Sami
Rabei (Mansoura University, Egypt), and Gleyson
Desidério (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da
Amazônia, Brazil) for their reviews of the
manuscript, providing corrections and useful
suggestions which much contributed to the
improvement of this paper.
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