Tropical Diversity (2022) 2(1): 1-21.
ISSN: 2596-2388
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10978657
© 2022 The Authors
Distributional patterns of Characiformes in the Chacoan
Sub-region (Neotropical Region)
Padrões de distribuição de Characiformes na Sub-Região Chaquenha (Região Neotropical)
Vinícius Amaral Corrêa1*, Francisco José de Figueiredo2, Valéria Gallo1
1Laboratório de Sistemática e Biogeografia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade do Estado
do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).
2Laboratório de Ictiologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Received: November 9, 2020 / Accepted: January 21, 2022 / Published: February 9, 2022
Resumo A maior diversidade de peixes de água
doce ocorre na Região Neotropical. Porém,
poucos estudos em Biogeografia Histórica
incluindo um mero representativo de espécies
ou áreas de grande extensão geográfica. Seus
padrões biogeográficos têm sido comparados com
aqueles identificados para táxons de organismos
terrestres, com o intuito de recuperar a história da
biota Neotropical. A história geológica de rios e
lagos costeiros do componente sudeste da Região
Neotropical é predominantemente recente,
apresentando complexidades bióticas singulares,
que resultaram em grande diversidade ictiológica.
Neste estudo, foi aplicado o método pan-
biogeográfico de análise de traços, utilizando o
software Martitracks, para identificar padrões de
distribuição de Characiformes da Sub-região
Chaquenha. Foram usadas 13.410 ocorrências
referentes a 132 espécies nominais, que
resultaram em 16 traços generalizados e um
biogeográfico. Os Characiformes apresentaram
padrões de distribuição concordantes com aqueles
de outros táxons. Os padrões obtidos estão de
acordo com o estado atual de conhecimento da
história geológica da Sub-região Chaquenha e se
ajustam aos Padrões Biogeográficos A, B e C
formalmente reconhecidos, determinados por
eventos geológicos antigos, intermediários e
recentes, respectivamente.
Palavras-Chave: Characiformes, Biogeografia
Histórica, análise de traços, Sub-região Chaquenha,
Região Neotropical.
Abstract The greatest diversity of freshwater
fishes occurs in the Neotropical Region. However,
there are a few Historical Biogeography studies
including a large amount of species or areas with
a great geographical extension. Their
distributional patterns have been compared with
those identified for taxa of terrestrial organisms,
with the purpose to recover the history of the
Neotropical biota. The geological history of
coastal rivers and lakes of the southeastern
component of the Neotropical Region is mainly
recent, showing singular biotic complexities,
resulting in great ichthyological diversity. In this
study, we applied the panbiogeographic method of
track analysis using the Martitracks software to
identify distributional patterns of Characiformes
from the Chacoan Sub-region. We used 13,410
occurrences related to 132 nominal species,
resulting in 16 generalized tracks and a single
biogeographic node. The Characiformes showed
distributional patterns matching with those of
other taxa. The patterns obtained is according to
the current state of knowledge about the
geological history of the Chacoan Sub-region and
fit in with the Biogeographic Patterns A, B and C,
formally recognized, determined by ancient,
intermediate, and recent geological events,
Keywords:Characiformes, Historical Biogeography,
track analysis, Chacoan Sub-region, Neotropical
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
The greatest diversity of freshwater fishes
occurs in the tropics, especially in the Neotropical
Region (Helfman et al., 2009). In absolute
numbers, about 7,000 nominal species of fishes
live in South and Central America (Albert & Reis,
2011), and globally one out of five known species
occur in the Neotropical Region (Vari &
Malabarba, 1998).
Characiformes is a diverse lineage of
actinopterygian fish from the continental waters of
Africa and the Americas (Betancur-R et al.,
2017). The clade comprises 24 families (Nelson et
al., 2016), from which four having more than 200
species distributed throughout Africa while the
rest is found in the Americas, with about 2,300
species. The group comprises a great diversity of
forms, behaviors and ecologies and includes the
piranhas, tetras, lambaris and dourados so
familiar to both fishermen and aquarists (Géry,
The richness of the Neotropical fish fauna
has been the focus of some discussions and some
efforts have been made in order to understand its
origin and history. Several studies have presented
evidence that speciation and genetic divergence of
the Neotropical fish fauna is related to geological
events between lowland water bodies and those of
adjacent crystalline shields and involves process
such as the catchment of rivers and headwaters
(Ribeiro, 2006; Albert & Reis, 2011; Ribeiro &
Menezes, 2015).
River systems in eastern part of Brazil,
including river mouths such as São Francisco in
Alagoas, have been considered important areas of
endemism for fish (Menezes, 1996). A list drawn
up by Bizerril (1994) included reference to
possible vicariant events that would have
promoted the differentiation of the ichthyofauna.
Several authors (e.g., Menezes, 1988; Ribeiro,
2006; Buckup, 2011; Echeverry & Gallo, 2015;
Ribeiro & Menezes, 2015) have discussed the
historical relationship between geotectonic
processes and differentiation of the ichthyofauna.
Thus, although the history of southeastern
Neotropical rivers and lakes is relatively recent
from a geochronological point of view, they have
unique and complex biotic history, which include
outstanding ichthyological diversity (Albert &
Reis, 2011).
Different tools of Historical Biogeography
could be used to reconstruct and understand the
history of isolation, divergence, and
diversification of fish species. Panbiogeography is
one approach to Historical Biogeography
consisting of an amount of methods with the
widest application (Heads, 2012; Morrone, 2015).
It was founded and developed from studies
realized by the Italian American Léon Camille
Marius Croizat (1894-1982), with components of
global fauna and flora. The results of applying his
method were published in some works, such as
Panbiogeography (Croizat, 1958) and Space,
Time, Form: The Biological Synthesis (Croizat,
1964). Later, the panbiogeographic methodology
was improved by several authors (Craw et al.,
1999; Grehan, 2011; Miranda & Dias, 2012) using
statistics and exact algorithms.
The study presented here aims to identify
distributional patterns of freshwater fishes,
specifically characiforms, from the Chacoan Sub-
region (Neotropical Region) applying
panbiogeographic method of track analysis, and
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
comparing the results with other taxa, including
those that served as basis for the regionalization
proposed by Morrone (2014).
Materials and Methods
The panbiogeographic method of track
analysis used here delineates the individual tracks
of each taxon that are drawn as line graphs on
maps. These are superimposed to determine
generalized tracks and the intersecting localities
(nodes) between generalized tracks. This method
involves the following steps: 1) map each taxon
by connecting localities as a minimum length line
graph; 2) recognizing similar individual tracks
that have overlapping localities as a generalized
track; 3) recognizing nodes in areas where two or
more generalized tracks meet; 4) map the
individual and generalized tracks, and the nodes
(Heads, 2004; Morrone, 2004).
The individual track is the basic unit of
the study. It is a line that connects the locations
(geographical coordinates of each geographic
locality) for the distribution of a species or a
supraspecific taxon. This line is formed from the
union of points by the minimum distance
connecting all points (Grehan, 2011). The
Generalized Track (GT) is the overlap of two or
more individual tracks, which indicates that they
have common ancestral range subject to the same
vicariant events (geological, tectonic, or climatic)
(Craw, 1988; Craw et al., 1999; Morrone, 2004;
Grehan, 2011), or they represent a common path
of dispersion (i.e., geodispersion), or isolated
dispersion events (Morrone & Crisci, 1995; Craw
et al., 1999; Nihei & Carvalho, 2005).
Additionally, they can also indicate putative areas
of endemism (Morrone, 2004; Nihei & Carvalho,
We named the “Generalized Tracks” in
this study as GT - n, where “n” is an integer. For
those subunits that are inserted in major GTs, we
used GT n1-n2.
Nodes are represented here as the
intersection of two or more generalized tracks
(Craw et al., 1999; Crisci et al., 2003). According
to Grehan (2011), the nodes represent the
intersection of different ecologies, phylogenies, as
well as distributions. Nodes can also be
characterized as areas of biological endemism,
phylogenetic diversity, limits of geographic or
phylogenetic distribution and geographical
disjunction. The nodes correlate the biological
characteristics with the origin and/or geological
process that formed the biotas (Heads, 1989;
Crisci et al., 2003; Nihei & Carvalho, 2005).
Species included in this work were
selected based on geographic data (“type locality”
and “distribution”) from Buckup & Menezes
(2007) and records from freshwater bodies
(Arroio, Bacia, Baía, Córrego, Lago, Lagoa,
Laguna, Riacho, Rio and Tributário) of the
hydrographic regions according to ANA (2015).
The 132 species selected for analysis are listed in
the Appendix.
We used maps of hydrographic regions
available in
0dd8 (accessed in July 25th, 2015).
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
The geographical data used to estimate the
distribution of taxa and to perform track analysis
were obtained from the database of the following
collections: The Academy of Natural Sciences
Fish Collection (ANSP-Ichthyology, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States); Fish Collection of
the Departamento de Zoologia e Botânica,
Universidade Estadual Paulista (DZSJRP-Pisces,
São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil);
Coleção Ictiológica da Universidade Federal do
Espírito Santo (CIUFES, Vitória, Espírito Santo,
Brazil); Coleção Ictiológica do Acervo Biológico
da Amazônia Meridional, Campus Sinop,
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (ABAM,
Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil); Coleção Zoológica
Delta do Parnaíba Pisces, Universidade Federal
do Piauí (CZDP-Pisces, Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil);
Laboratório de Ictiologia do Grupo de Ecologia
Aquática, Universidade Federal do Pa (GEA,
Belém, Pará, Brazil); Coleção de Peixes INPA,
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
(INPA-Peixes, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil);
Coleção de Peixes do Laboratório de Ictiologia de
Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo,
Campus Ribeirão Preto (LIRP, Ribeirão Preto,
São Paulo, Brazil); Coleção de Peixes do Museu
de História Natural Capão da Imbuia (MHNCI
Peixes, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil); Coleção
Científica da Divisão de Peixes do Museu de
Zoologia, Universidade Estadual de Feira de
Santana (MZFS, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil);
Subcoleção Ictiológica do Campus Parnaíba
daUniversidade Estadual do Piauí (UESPI PHB,
Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil); Coleção de Peixes do
Laboratório de Ictiologia Sistemática da
Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UNT, Porto
Nacional, Tocantins, Brazil); Zoneamento
Ecológico Econômico do Acre Ictiofauna (ZEE-
ICTIO, Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil); Museum of
Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (HU-
Zoo, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States);
Coleção de Peixes, Instituto Nacional da Mata
Atlântica (INMA), Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello
Leitão (MBML-Peixes, Santa Teresa, Espírito
Santo, Brazil); Coleção de Peixes, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
(MCP-Peixes, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil); Museu de Zoologia da Universidade
Estadual de Londrina, Coleção de Peixes
(MZUEL-Peixes, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil);
Coleção de Peixes do Museu de Zoologia da
Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP - São Paulo,
São Paulo, Brazil); US-Animalia, National
Museum of Natural History, Extant Specimen and
Observation Records, Smithsonian Institution
(NMNH-Animalia, Washington, DC, United
States); Coleção de Peixes, Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro (NUPEM/UFRJ, Macaé, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil); Coleção Ictiológica do Nupélia,
Universidade Estadual de Maringá (NUP,
Maringá, Paraná, Brazil); Coleção de Peixes,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil); Coleção de Peixes do Museu de Zoologia
da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (ZUEC-
PIS, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil); Coleção
Zoológica de Referência da Universidade Federal
de Mato Grosso do Sul (ZUFMS-PIS, Campo
Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil); Coleção
Ictiológica do Museu Nacional, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ, Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
The geographical coordinates were obtained
from the Global Biodiversity (GBIF, 2016) and
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
the Species Link (SPLINK, 2016). We used only
“original” (those defined by the collectors) and
“not suspect” coordinates (those that coincide
with the names of the municipalities registered in
the collection).
For the construction of generalized tracks
and nodes, tools from Martitracks (Echeverría-
Londoño & Miranda-Esquivel, 2011) were used.
The following parameters were established: c = 2;
r = 2.5 (lmin), 3 (lmax), 4 (lmax.line); and m = 0.8
(min-SI). Where c” is the Cut Value that
eliminates the redundant points of the analysis;
“r” is the Congruence Rule that checks whether
the individual tracks are congruent with each
other; “m” - min-Sl is a Similarity Index
(minimum congruence).
Firstly, the default parameters [c = 0.25; r =
0.25 (lmin), 0.50 (lmax), 0.75 (lmax.line); and m
= 0.85 (min-SI)] were used, but they generated
uninformative results. For this reason, we
modified them based on the simulation made by
Ferrari et al. (2013), who used the data provided
by Moreira et al. (2011). This simulation
generated similar results to those found in the
manual analysis performed by Moreira et al.
(2011). Also, Echeverría-Londoño & Miranda-
Esquivel (2011) tested the application with data
from Alzate et al. (2008), with the same
parameters herein used, as well as by Ferrari et al.
The map in shapefile format of the
Neotropical Region (Morrone, 2014) for the
presentation of the results was available in
Löwenberg-Neto (2014). We used the software
QGIS 2.18 (QGISBRASIL, 2017) for plot and
analyze the tracks and nodes.
Track analysis was applied to 13,410
geographic coordinates for 132 species. After
each figure (Figs. 1-9) there is a description of the
generalized tracks and their biogeographic
From the analysis of 13,410 geographic
data for 132 species, 16 generalized tracks and
one node were obtained. The maps with the GTs
and nodes and their description are shown below.
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© 2021 The Authors
Figures 1-9 - Generalized tracks and nodes of Characiformes.
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GT1 composed of Apareiodon affinis, A.
ibitiensis, A. vittatus, A. vladii, A. itapicuruensis,
A. hasemani, A. davisi, A. piracicabae and
Parodonhilari, located in Cerrado (Chacoan);
Atlantic and Parana Forest (Parana);
GT2 composed of Curimatella lepidura,
Cyphocharax gilbert, Psectrogaster rhomboides,
P. saguiru, Steindachnerina elegans and S.
notonota, located in Caatinga and Cerrado
(Chacoan); Atlantic and Parana Forest (Parana);
GT3 composed of Cyphocharax modestus, C.
nagelii, C. vanderi, C. santacatarinae and
Steindachnerina insculpta, located in Atlantic,
Parana Forest and Araucaria Forest (Parana);
GT2-3 formed by line segment in common
between GT2 and GT3. Located in Atlantic and
Parana Forest (Parana);
GT4 composed of Cyphocharax saladensis, C.
spilotus, C. voga and Steindachnerina biornata,
located in Chacoan and Pampean (Chacoan),
Araucaria Forest (Parana);
GT5 composed of Prochilodus argenteus, P.
costatus, P. hartii, P. vimboides, P. brevis and P.
lineatus, in Madeira (South Brazilian), Caatinga,
Cerrado (Chacoan), Atlantic and Parana Forest
GT6 composed of Characidium bahiense and
C. bimaculatum, crossing in Caatinga (Chacoan)
and Atlantic (Parana);
GT7 composed of Characidium alipioi, C.
fasciatum, C. grajahuense, C. interruptum, C.
japuhybense, C. lagosantense, C. lauroi and C.
schubarti, crossing Cerrado (Chacoan), Atlantic
and Parana Forest (Parana);
GT8 composed of Characidium timbuiense
and C. vidali, located in Parana Forest (Parana);
GT9 composed of Characidium lanei, C.
oiticicai, C. pterostictum, C. occidentale, C.
orientale, C. rachovii, C. serrano and C. tenue,
located in Atlantic and Araucaria Forest (Parana);
GT7-8 formed by line segment in common
between GT7 and GT8 e located in Atlantic and
Parana Forest (Parana);
GT7-9 formed by line segment in common
between GT7 and GT9, located in Atlantic, Parana
Forest and Araucaria Forest (Parana);
GT10 composed of Bryconferox, B. insignis, B.
nattereri, B. opalinus, B. orthotaenia and
Henochilus wheatlandii, crossing Cerrado
(Chacoan), Atlantic and Parana Forest (Parana);
GT11 composed of Galeocharax gulo,
Phenacogaster calverti, P. franciscoensis and
Roeboides xenodon, spanning through Pará
(Boreal Brazilian), Cerrado (Chacoan).
GT12 composed of Charax stenopterus e
Galeocharax knerii spanning Rondônia (South
Brazilian), Cerrado, Chacoan (Chacoan), Parana
Forest and Araucaria Forest (Parana);
N1 formed by GT11 and GT12 located in
Cerrado (Chacoan).
GT13 composed of Acinocheirodon
melanogramma, Serrapinnus heterodon,
Serrapinnus piaba, Compsura heterura and
Kolpotocheirodon theloura, crossing Caatinga,
Cerrado (Chacoan) and Parana Forest (Parana);
GT14 composed of Cheirodon ibicuhiensis, C.
interruptus, Heterocheirodon jacuiensis,
Macropsobrycon uruguayanae, Serrapinnus
calliurus, S. notomelas, Spintherobolus leptoura,
S. papilliferus and S. ankoseion, crossing Cerrado,
Pampa (Chacoan), Atlantic, Parana Forest and
Araucaria Forest (Parana);
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
GT15 composed of Diapoma speculiferum, D.
terofali, Mimagoniates inequalis, M. lateralis, M.
microlepis, M. rheocharis, M. sylvicola,
Planaltina glandipedis, Pseudocoryno
pomadoriae and P. heterandria, crossing Pampean
(Chacoan), Atlantic, Parana Forest and Araucaria
Forest (Paraná);
GT16 composed of Triportheus guentheri and
T. signatus, crossing Cerrado (Chacoan) and
Parana Forest (Parana);
Overall, the generalized tracks and nodes
found here were corroborated by distributional
patterns of dipterans Cyrtoneurina,
Cyrtoneuropsis and Bitoracochaeta (Carvalho et
al., 2003) and Polietina (Nihei & Carvalho,
2005); hymenopteran Bombus (Abrahamovichet
al., 2004); and coleopteran Entimini (Romo &
Morrone, 2011), as follows:
1. GTg and GTf of Cyrtoneurina (cf.
Carvalho et al., 2003) match GT2-3 of
Curimatidae and GT7-9 of
2. GTt of Cyrtoneuropsis (cf. Carvalho
et al., 2003) is congruent to GT2 of
Curimatidae and GT11 of Characinae;
GTu and GTvto GT2-3 of
Curimatidae, GT7-9 of Crenuchidae,
and GT15 of Glandulocaudinae.
3. GT CDE of Bithoracochaeta (cf.
Carvalho et al., 2003) match GT2-3 of
Curimatidae, GT7-9 of Crenuchidae,
GT15 of Glandulocaudinae.
4. GT7 of Bombus (cf. Abrahamovich et al.,
2004) match GT2-3 of Curimatidae, GT7-
9 of Crenuchidae, GT 5 of
Prochilodontidae, GT 14 of
Cheirodontinae, GT 15 of
5. GT2 of Polietina (cf. Nihei & Carvalho,
2005) is congruent to GT6 of
Crenuchidae and GT2 of Curimatidae;
GT3 of Polietina(cf. Nihei & Carvalho,
2005) match GT6 de Crenuchidae; the
line segment formed by GT 4 and 6 de
Polietina (cf. Nihei & Carvalho, 2005)
match GT 5 of Prochilodontidae; line
segment formed by GT 5 and 7 of
Polietina (cf. Nihei & Carvalho, 2005)
match GT 7-9 of Crenuchidae; GT 7 of
Polietina (cf. Nihei & Carvalho, 2005)
match GT 2-3 of Curimatidae, GT 14 of
Cheirodontinae (Characidae), GT 15 of
6. GT b Entimini (cf. Romo & Morrone,
2011) match GT2-3 and GT3 of
Curimatidae, GT7-9 of Crenuchidae, GT9
of Crenuchidae, GT14 of Cheirodontinae
(Characidae), GT 15 of Cheirodontinae
Carvalho et al. (2003) discussed possible
vicariant events that could have shaped the
distribution of Muscidae (Diptera) with reference
to Amorim & Pires (1996). The authors
emphasized the connection between the Parnaíba
and Paraná basins, which occurred in the Late
Cretaceous. GT 11 and GT 12, and N1 of
Characinae (Characidae) (Fig. 6) were formed
from the overlapping of localities of rivers and
streams of the Paraná and Parnaíba basins.
Throughout its history, the Parnaíba River has
also been connected with other rivers in
northeastern Brazil, such as the São Francisco
River (Ribeiro, 2006).Due to these connections,
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
the hydrographic basins of northeastern Brazil
allowed a faunal interchange resulting in a diverse
ichthyofauna (Ribeiro, 2006). In the present work,
the GT 16 formed by Triportheinae species (Fig.
9) joins localities or streams that flow from the
Parnaíba River to the São Francisco River.
Congruence found in the southeast of the
Brazilian coast between GT 2, GT 2-3, GT 7-9,
GT 15 and literature data is probably related to the
rise of Serra da Mantiqueira (Amorim & Pires,
1996; Carvalho et al., 2003) or Serra do Mar
(Ribeiro, 2006). New studies are necessary to
confirm this spatial correlation shaped by the
uplift of both mountains.
Comparing the distributional
patterns of fish with the results obtained
by Nihei & Carvalho (2005) for Polietina,
it is clear that there is congruence in the
distribution between Crenuchidae,
Curimatidae, Prochilodontidae,
Cheirodontinae (Characidae),
Glandulocaudinae (Characidae) and the
cited Diptera.
Generalized tracks may indicate
ancestral range subject to the same
vicariance events or isolated dispersion
events. If phylogenetically supported, the
generalized track indicates an area of
endemism or the preexistence of an
ancestral biota (Nihei & Carvalho, 2005).
Phylogenetically supported tracks are
those formed by sister species or closely
related species. According to phylogenetic
studies, it was found that:
Melo et al. (2016) recognized the
following relationships:
(Prochiloduscostatus, P. lineatus) + (P.
argenteus, P. hartii).These species is in GT5;
In the composition of GT10 of
Bryconinae (Characidae) there are
Bryconferox and B. insignis that are sister
species (Hilsdorf et al., 2008);
In the composition of GT14, there are
Cheirodon interruptus and Serrapinnus
calliurus, which are sister species, according
to Mirande (2010);
GT15 has in its composition
Mimagoniates lateralis, M. microlepis and M.
sylvicola which, according to the cladogram
presented by Menezes & Weitzman (2009)
the relationship between these species is not
fully understood, but they belong to the same
According to Nihei & Carvalho (2005),
generalized tracks formed by sister species or
closely related species are relevant to
understanding the history of species
diversification. It should be noted here that the
generalized tracks mentioned above are formed by
species belonging to the same group of species or
clade or are sister species. It is likely that the areas
in which these tracks are identified have an
effective historical determination in the
There is biogeographic congruence
between Entimini and Curimatidae, Crenuchidae,
Cheirodontinae (Characidae) in the Atlantic and
Paraná Forest provinces in southeastern Brazil
(see figures 2, 4 e 7). As for the distribution of
Entimini, Romo & Morrone (2011) mention that
the establishment of the Savana Corridor (Schmidt
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
& Inger, 1951; Prado & Gibbs, 1993; Morrone,
2006; Romo & Morrone, 2011) or Diagonal of
Open Formations (Vanzolini, 1963; Romo &
Morrone, 2011) along the Chacoan Sub-region
(north-central Argentina, southern Bolivia,
central-western Paraguay, Uruguay and central-
northeast Brazil) (Morrone, 2006), would have
been an important vicariant event for the fauna of
the Brazilian Sub-region and Chacoan Sub-region.
Regarding this work and the fish
distribution studied here, it should be considered
that only distributional patterns of the Chacoan
Sub-region were analyzed, therefore, there is no
possibility to assess the impact of the emergence
of the Savanna Corridor for characiformes. A
broader study would be necessary for this analysis
and there is a possibility that this event, like so
many other events, will have a reduced impact on
the distribution of fish, given the recurrence of
“headwater capture” and the connections between
the large hydrographic basins (Lundberg et al.,
1998; Ribeiro, 2006; Albert & Reis, 2011).
For the GTs 4, 12, 13 and 16 and node
N1, no similar examples were found in the
literature, due to probably the lack of collections
and studies (Morrone, 2004). There is also the
possibility that the incongruity is the result of
particularities of the analyzed taxon. In this sense,
many of the species of bony fish that contributed
to the tracks and node may have a unique
evolutionary history or linked to the histories of
the rivers that shelter them. A possible lack of
exact biological information for these species in
these mentioned tracks and node difficult to make
any argument to improve the biogeographic
understanding. The incongruity may be related to
the program used for the analysis of tracks, such
as Ferrari et al. (2013) stated that the subjective
definition of parameters can lead to an imprecise
In the Late Cretaceous, large clades of
Neotropical ichthyofauna, including
Characiformes, had already diversified, as shown
by Lundberg et al. (1998). Although the oldest
record of characiform in South America is from
the late Campanian/early Maastrichtian (~83 to 72
Mya) (Gayet, 1991), probably the diversification
of this clade occurred before the final separation
of Africa and South America, also considering the
gaps in the fossil record. This means that the
history of the largest clades of bony fish occurred
before the emergence of modern rivers or their
present geography and catchment relationships
(Lundberg et al., 1998).
The geological history of the Neotropical
Region, specifically in the crystalline shield and
coastal drainages (Chacoan Sub-region), resulted
in three distinct biogeographic patterns (Ribeiro
Pattern A: coastal rivers of Brazil are
inhabited by taxa that have an ancient
biogeographic history (Stiassny & Pinna, 1994;
Ribeiro, 2006) dating from the Cretaceous, with
the diversification of an endemic ichthyofauna.
They are old taxa with few species and restricted
geographic distribution. The Characiformes has its
origin by at least in the Cretaceous (Brito et al.,
2007; Albert & Reis, 2011) with a minimum fossil
age of 83 to 72 Mya (Gayet, 1991). This coastal
pattern applies to the Crenuchidae (GT 6, 7, 8 and
9, Fig. 4).
Pattern B: generic level relationships
between the endemic ichthyofauna of coastal
drainages with the crystalline shield (Ribeiro,
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
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2006). None of the taxa sampled here show this
Pattern C: is the result of faunal
exchange between the rivers of the crystalline
shield and the coastal drainages (Ribeiro, 2006).
The distribution along the lines of the Pattern C
can be corroborated by the generalized tracks that
connect or that are present in hybrid areas, which
are areas that have undergone neotectonics
processes that have led to fauna exchange.
Through the examples of hybrid areas given by
Ribeiro (2006) and the generalized tracks, it is
noticed that there is Pattern C in:
In the region that includes the Upper
Uruguay River, Jacuí and the Patos Lagoon
System (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) and Negro
and Salado (Argentina). In this area were
found GT4 Curimatidae (Fig. 2).
In the region that includes the Alto Rio
Tietê, Ribeira de Iguape, the tributaries of the
Paraná Basin, Rio Iguaçu and Rio
Paranapanema. In this area are: GT3 from
Curimatidae (Fig. 2) and GT14 from
Cheirodontinae (Fig. 7).
The region that includes the northern
portion of the Paraná basin, São Francisco,
Paraíba do Sul, Itapicuru, Itapemirim, and the
mouth of the Rio Doce. In this area were
found: the GT 1 of Parodontidae (Fig. 1); GT2
Curimatidae (Fig. 2); GT 10 Bryconinae (Fig.
5); GT 13 from Cheirodontinae (Fig. 7); GT 15
from Glandulocaudinae (Fig. 8).
The region that includes the São
Francisco River and the Parnaíba River: GT 16
from Triportheinae (Fig. 8).
In addition to the areas mentioned above, we have:
The region that extends from the Paraná
River Basin to the Parnaíba River: The
GT 11 and GT 12, and the N1 of
Characinae (Fig 6) were formed from the
overlapping of localities of rivers and
streams of the Paraná basin and of
Parnaíba basin. Thus indicating a previous
connection of these, as previously
mentioned (Amorim & Pires, 1996).
The region from the Paraná Basin to the
Amazon (Lundberg et al., 1998): GT 5 of
Prochilodontidae (Fig. 3) links Amazonas
to the tributaries of the Paraná, Rio São
Francisco, Paraíba do Sul. There is a
possibility that group took advantage of
sea level changes throughout history. The
distribution may be related to the
connection of the Paraná River with the
Amazon River, through the Paraná Sea
(Lundberg et al., 1998).
According to Ribeiro (2006), the
distributional patterns A, B and C are
consequences of old, intermediate, and recent
geological events, respectively.
According to the hypothesis that
corroborates Pattern A, cladogenetic events are
related to the origin of the first drains that flowed
into the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal rivers were
structurally oriented by megadomes, major flaws
and grabens. Ribeiro (2006) stated that this is the
case about the rivers that were established in the
megadomes Mantiqueira-Angola and Brazil-
Niger, where a fault system was responsible for
structuring the drainage pattern.
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The Pattern B suggests an interchange of
fauna between the crystalline shield and coastal
rivers across the Cenozoic. The continuous
erosive retraction on the east limit of the platform
was responsible for the transfer of fauna from the
rivers of the central plateau to the rivers of the
coastal plains. With taxa undergoing subsequent
diversification in both the coastal plain and
plateau drainages. The tectonism, through
reactivations and movements of large blocks, led
to the capture of hydrographic systems. This has
an impact on the distributional patterns of aquatic
biotas (Ribeiro, 2006).
The geological mechanism associated
with the Pattern C refers to the concept of
Neotectonics (Saadi, 2013). According to recent
models, the widespread rift system and other
crustal discontinuities present along the Atlantic
coast of South America act as areas of weakness
more prone to tectonic activity and deformations
(Saadi et al., 2002). Several hydrological
anomalies are probably related to tectonic
activations, most importantly the stream capture
(Cobbold et al., 2001).
The areas where the Pattern C occurs have
been identified as active tectonic areas, some of
which have a recent activity of approximately 1.6
MA (Saadi et al., 2002). This is what occurs in the
crystalline shield of southeastern Brazil, which
shares a mixed fauna with the drainages of the
coastal plain such as, for example, the area that
includes the headwaters of the Ribeira do Iguape,
Iguaçu and Paranapanema rivers and the upper
Tietê. It is important to note that in this area we
find the GT3 from Curimatidae (Fig. 2) and the
GT14 from Cheirodontinae (Fig. 7).
The generalized tracks in the regions of
Paranapanema, Iguaçu and Ribeira do Iguape can
be explained by the presence of the Ponta Grossa
Arch. It has a general tendency to uplift (Almeida
&Carneiro, 1998) and suffered tectonic activity
during the Cenozoic (Almeida & Carneiro, 1998;
Souza & Souza, 2002). The arc's tectonic activity
may have resulted in a change in the fluvial
dynamics of the area, accelerating the faunal
exchange between water bodies, such as the
coastal part of Ribeira do Iguape and the plateau
portions of Iguaçu and Paranapanema. The
distributional pattern of Curimatidae (Fig. 2) and
Cheirodontinae (Fig. 7) may be a consequence of
The idea of southeastern Brazil being a
tectonically active area (Cobbold et al., 2001) is
supported by complex distributional patterns that
include the Pattern C. This tectonic activity
explains why the Paraná Basin has contributed
more to the development of ichthyofauna coastal
drainage, exemplified by the patterns of
Parodontidae (Fig. 1), Curimatidae (Fig. 2),
Bryconinae (Fig. 5), Cheirodontinae (Fig. 7) and
Glandulocaudinae (Fig. 8).
The tectonic control over the
distributional patterns of fish fauna in coastal and
plateau drainages is a recurrent process,
suggesting a high degree of faunal exchange
between basins (Ribeiro, 2006). The mixed nature
of hydrographic basins has already been noted by
Costa (2001), who indicated headwaters as
effective areas of faunal exchange. The same
tectonic process that allowed the interchange
between Brazilian coastal rivers with neighboring
drainages probably also occurred between basins
located in the interior of the continent in the
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Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
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crystalline shield. This pattern is found in
Characinae (Fig. 6), which occurs in the
crystalline shield and joins the Paraná and São
Francisco rivers.
The distributional patterns of
ichthyofauna in the Neotropical Region are related
to multiple factors: changes in the sea level
(Weitzman et al., 1988); retraction of the east
limit (Ribeiro & Menezes, 2015); old and recent
historical events; and, mainly, the capture of
rivers, headwaters, or entire hydrographic
It was found that the same clade can
present different and conflicting distributional
patterns. This is possible if we consider the
premise that the fish fauna of the Neotropical
Region is modern, and that the main groups of
fish have a minimum Cretaceous age (Brito et al.,
Through tracks analysis it was possible to
identify that the distributional patterns of
characiformes from Chacoan Subregion fit into
the Patterns A, B and C already described in the
The patterns found are corroborated by
others presented by different taxa with different
dispersion capacities, but which may have
something in common when compared to their
In addition, the results indicate that the
history of Neotropical fish and the rivers that
shelter them is intricate and of great complexity,
resulting from ancient and recent geological
processes, from the setting of a watercourse to the
interaction between them through headwaters
capture, streams, rivers, and even entire
hydrographic systems.
We are grateful to John Grehan, Mauro
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Lopes for insightful review of the manuscript. VG
is partially supported by a CNPq grant and
receives anUERJ/FAPERJ Prociência grant.
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APPENDIX- Fish species included in this study.
- CHARACIFORMES Parodontidae:
Apareiodon affinis (Steindachner, 1879), A. davisi
(Fowler, 1941), A. hasemani Eigenmann, 1916, A.
ibitiensis Campos, 1944, A. itapicuruensis
Eigenmann & Henn, 1916, A. piracicabae
(Eigenmann, 1907), A. vittatus Garavello, 1977,
A. vladii Pavanelli, 2006 and Parodon hilarii
Reinhardt, 1866; Curimatidae: Curimatella
lepidura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889),
Cyphocharax gilbert (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824), C.
modestus (Fernández-Yépez, 1948), C. nagelii
(Steindachner, 1881), C. saladensis (Meinken,
1933), C. santacatarinae (Fernández-Yépez,
1948), C. spilotus (Vari, 1987), C. vanderi
(Britski, 1980), C. voga (Hensel, 1869),
Psectrogaster rhomboids Eigenmann &
Eigenmann, 1889, P. saguiru (Fowler, 1941),
Steindachnerina biornata (Braga &
Azpelicueta, 1987), S. elegans (Steindachner,
1874), S. insculpta (Fernández-Yépez, 1948)
andS. notonota (Miranda Ribeiro, 1937);
Prochilodontidae: Prochilodus argenteus
Agassiz, 1829, P. brevis Steindachner, 1874, P.
costatus Valenciennes, 1850, P. hartii
Steindachner, 1874, P. lineatus (Valenciennes,
1836) and P. vimboides Kner, 1859;
Anostomidae: Leporellus vittatus (Valenciennes,
1850), Leporinus aguapeiensis Campos, 1945, L.
amblyrhynchus Garavello & Britski, 1987, L.
bahiensis Steindachner, 1875, L. conirostris
Steindachner, 1875, L. copelandii Steindachner,
1875, L. crassilabris Borodin, 1929, L. elongates
Valenciennes, 1850, L. garmani Borodin, 1929, L.
lacustris Campos, 1945, L. marcgravii Lütken,
1875, L. melanopleura Günther, 1864, L.
mormyrops Steindachner, 1875, L. obtusidens
Valenciennes, 1836, L. octofasciatus
Steindachner, 1915, L. paranensis Garavello &
Britski, 1987, L. piau Fowler, 1941, L. reinhardti
Lütken, 1875, L. steindachner iEigenmann, 1907,
L. striatus Kner, 1858, L. taeniatus Lütken, 1875,
L.thayeri Borodin, 1929, Schizodon australis
Garavello, 1994, S. intermedius Garavello &
Britski, 1990, S. jacuiensis Bergman, 1988, S.
knerii (Steindachner, 1875) and S. nasutus Kner,
1858; Crenuchidae: Characidium alipioi
Travassos, 1955, C. bahiense Almeida, 1975, C.
bimaculatum Fowler, 1941, C. fasciatum
Reinhardt, 1866, C. interruptum Pellegrin, 1909,
C. japuhybense Travassos, 1949, C. lagosantense
Travassos, 1947, C. lanei Travassos, 1967, C.
lauroi Travassos, 1949, C. occidentale Buckup&
Reis, 1997, C. oiticicai Travassos, 1967, C.
orientale Buckup& Reis, 1997, C. pterostictum
Gomes, 1947, C. rachovii Regan, 1913, C.
schubarti Travassos, 1955, C. Serrano Buckup&
Reis, 1997, C. tenue (Cope, 1894), C. timbuiense
Travassos, 1946, C. vestigipinne Buckup& Hahn,
2000 and C. vidali Travassos, 1967; Characidae
Bryconinae: Bryconferox Steindachner, 1877,
B. hilarii (Valenciennes, 1849), B. insignis
Steindachner, 1877, B. nattereri Günther, 1864, B.
opalinus (Cuvier, 1819), B. orthotaenia Günther,
1864 and Henochilus wheatlandii Garman, 1890;
Characidae Characinae: Charax stenopterus
(Cope, 1894), Galeocharax gulo Cope, 1870, G.
knerii Steinachner, 1875, Phenacogaster calverti
(Fowler, 1941), P. franciscoensis Eigenmann,
1911 and Roeboides xenodon (Reinhardt, 1851);
Characidae Cheirodontinae: Acinocheirodon
melanogramma Malabarba & Weitzman, 1999,
Cheirodon ibicuhiensis Eigenmann, 1915, C.
Corrêa et al., 2022
Historical Biogeography of Characiformes
© 2021 The Authors
interruptus (Jenyns, 1842), Compsuraheterura
Eigenmann, 1915, Heterocheirodon jacuiensis
Malabarba & Bertaco,1999, Kolpotocheirodon
figueiredoi Malabarba, Lima & Weitzman, 2004,
K. theloura Malabarba & Weitzman, 2000,
Macropsobrycon uruguayanae Eigenmann, 1915,
Serrapinnus calliurus (Boulenger, 1900), S.
heterodon (Eigenmann, 1915), S. notomelas
(Eigenmann, 1915), S. piaba (Lütken, 1875),
Spintherobolu sankoseion Weitzman &
Malabarba, 1999, S. broccae Myers, 1925, S.
leptoura Weitzman & Malabarba, 1999 and S.
papilliferus Eigenmann, 1911; Characidae
Glandulocaudinae: Diapoma speculiferum Cope,
1894, D. terofali Géry, 1964, Glandulocauda
melanogenys Eigenmann, 1911, G. melanopleura
Eigenmann, 1911, Hysteronotus megalostomus
Eigenmann, 1911, Mimagoniates inequalis
Eigenmann, 1911, M. lateralis Nichols, 1913, M.
microlepis Steindachner, 1877, M. rheocharis
Menezes & Weitzman, 1990, M. sylvicola
Menezes & Weitzman, 1990, Planaltina britski
Menezes, Weitzman & Burns, 2003, P.
glandipedis Menezes, Weitzman & Burns, 2003,
Pseudocoryno pomadoriae Perugia, 1891 and P.
heterandria Eigenmann, 1914; Characidae
Iguanodectinae: Piabucus melanostomus
Holmberg, 1891; Characidae Serrasalminae:
Myleus altipinnis (Valenciennes, 1850), M.
micans (Lütken, 1875), Myloplustiete (Eigenmann
& Norris, 1900), Pygocentrus piraya (Cuvier,
1819), Serrasalmus brandti (Lütken, 1875) and S.
marginatus Valenciennes, 1836; Characidae
Stethaprioninae: Orthospinus franciscensis
(Eigenmann, 1914); Characidae
Tetragonopterinae: Tetragonopterus chalceus
Spix & Agassiz, 1829; Characidae
Triportheinae: Lignobrycon myersi (Miranda
Ribeiro, 1956), Triportheus guentheri (Garman,
1890) and T. signatus (Garman, 1890).