Tropical Diversity (2019) 1 (1): 5-11.
ISSN: 2596-2388
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11099697
© 2019 The Authors
Panbiogeographic analysis of the distribution patterns of the freshwater species
of Sciaenidae (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) in the Amazon Basin
Análise panbiogeográfica dos padrões de distribuição das espécies dulcícolas de Sciaenidae
(Actinopterygii: Perciformes) na Bacia Amazônica
Mauro J. Cavalcanti1*, Paulo Roberto Duarte Lopes2, Edinaldo Nelson dos Santos-Silva3
1Ecoinformatics Studio, Caixa Postal 46521, CEP 20551-940 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
2Departamento de Ciências Biológicas (Museu de Zoologia - Divisão de Peixes), Universidade Estadual de Avenida
Transnordestina, s/no (km 03 BR-116), CEP 44036-900, Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil.
3Laboratório de Plâncton, Coordenação de Biodiversidade, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Av. André
Araújo, 2936, Aleixo, CEP 69060-000, Manaus, AM, Brazil.
Received: December 16, 2018 / Accepted: February 12, 2019 / Published: February 13, 2019
Resumo Sciaenidae inclui quatro gêneros
(Pachypops, Pachyurus, Petilippinis e
Plagioscion) e cerca de 20 espécies
exclusivamente dulcícolas, distribuídas em rios
sul-americanos. Neste trabalho, a distribuição de
10 espécies de Sciaenidae de água doce com
ocorrência na Bacia Amazônica, pertencentes aos
gêneros Pachypops, Pachyurus, Petilippinis e
Plagioscion, foi analisada com métodos
panbiogeográficos quantitativos. Pela análise de
traços, foram encontrados três traços
generalizados e seis nós biogeográficos. O centro
de massa das espécies estudadas está localizado
no Baixo Amazonas (Óbidos), onde ocorrem seis
espécies. Os resultados sugerem que a distribuição
de Sciaenidae dulcícolas da América do Sul
corresponde aos eventos vicariantes associados à
formação da bacias dos rios Amazonas e Orinoco
e aos eventos relacionados às formações das
bacias dos rios Paraná, Paraguai e Prata. O escudo
das Guianas constitui uma feição geotectônica de
importância na configuração dos padrões de
distribuição destas espécies. Estes padrões são
congruentes com os observados em outras
linhagens derivadas de grupos marinhos na
América do Sul.
Palavras-Chave: pan-biogeografia, análise de
traços, Bacia Amazônica, América do Sul.
Abstract The Sciaenidae include four genera
(Pachypops, Pachyurus, Petilippinis and
Plagioscion) and about 20 species restricted to
freshwater, distributed in South American rivers.
In this paper, the distribution of 10 species of
freshwater Sciaenidae occurring in the Amazon
Basin, belonging to the genera Pachypops,
Pachyurus, Petilippinis and Plagioscion, was
analyzed by the panbiogeographic quantitative
methods. By means of track analysis, three
generalized tracks and six biogeographic nodes
were found. The main massing of the species
studied is located in the Lower Amazon (Óbidos),
where six of the species do occur. The results of
the track analysis suggest that the distribution of
the South American freshwater Sciaenidae
correspond to vicariant events associated to the
formation of the Amazonas and Orinoco river
basins and the events related to the formations of
the Paraná, Paraguai and Prata river basins. The
Guyanas shield constitutes an important
geotectonic feature in the configuration of the
distribution patterns of these species. These
patterns are congruent with those observed in
other lineages derived from marine groups in
South America.
Keywords: panbiogeography, track analysis,
Amazon Basin, South America.
Cavalcanti et al. (2019)
Biogeography of freshwater Sciaenidae
© 2019 The Authors
The family Sciaenidae comprises four
genera (Pachypops, Pachyurus, Petilipinnis anf
Plagioscion) and about 20 species restricted to
freshwater, distributed in rivers of South America
that drain into the Atlantic Ocean. These genera
were revised and a few new species have been
described in recent years, both extant (Aguilera &
Rodrigues de Aguilera, 2000; Casatti, 2001,
2002a, 2002b, 2005) and fossils from Miocene
deposits (Aguilera & Rodrigues de Aguilera,
2003), but the knowledge of the biogeography of
the freshwater species in this family in the
Amazon Basin is still very incipient (Boeger &
Kitsky, 2002; Cooke et al., 2012).
In this paper, the distribution of 10
species of freshwater Sciaenidae occurring in the
Amazon Basin, belonging to the genera
Pachypops, Pachyurus, Petilipinnis, and
Plagioscion, was analyzed using the
panbiogeographic method of track analysis.
Panbiogeography, developed by León
Croizat (Croizat, 1958, 1964), emphasizes the
importance of the spatial (geographic) dimension
of biodiversity, to provide a wider understanding
of evolutionary patterns and processes, stressing
the importance of the geographical distributions
as direct objects of analysis. Page (1987)
proposed a quantitative panbiogeographic method
based on graph theory, according to which an
individual track corresponds to a minimum
spanning tree, which is equivalent to an
undirected graph connecting all localities of a
taxon, so that the sum of distances is minimal.
This methodology has been employed in a number
of panbiogeographic studies along the last three
decades (Henderson, 1989; Craw, 1989; Craw et
al., 1999).
Materials and Methods
Track analysis was performed with the
programs Croizat v1.15 (Cavalcanti, 2009) and
MartiTracks v0.5a1 (Echeverría-Londoño &
Miranda-Esquivel 2011), using distribution data
obtained from the literature (Casatti, 2001, 2002a,
2002b, 2005; Casatti & Chao, 2002; Soares &
Casatii, 2000), and of the collections included in
the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
(GBIF,, FishBase
(, and FishNet
( A total of 237 occurrence
records, belonging to 10 species of freshwater
Sciaenidae were included in the analysis (Table
1). Only species with at least two locality records
were selected for inclusion in the analysis.
Individual tracks for each species were
constructed by plotting on a map the occurrence
localities and connecting them by minimum
spanning trees. Generalized tracks were obtained
by the superimposition of the individual tracks,
with the areas where two or more generalized
tracks intercept each other being identified as
biogeographic nodes. The generalized tracks
provide an objective criterion to biogeographic
homology and allow to infer the existence of an
ancestral biota widely distributed in the past and
fragmented by subsequent vicariant events.
Cavalcanti et al. (2019)
Biogeography of freshwater Sciaenidae
© 2019 The Authors
Number of
Pachypops adspersus Steindachner, 1879
Pachypops fourcroi (Lacepede, 1802)
Pachyurus bonariensis Steindachner, 1879
Pachyurus junki Soares & Casatti, 2000
Pachyurus schomburgkii Gunther, 1860
Petilipinnis grunniens (Schomburgk, 1843)
Plagioscion auratus (Castelnau, 1855)
Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840)
Plagioscion surinamensis (Bleeker, 1873)
Plagioscion ternetzi Boulenger, 1895
Table 1 Species of freshwater Sciaenidae and number of occurrence records included in this study.
Main massings, representing sectors of
geographic space with the highest concentrations
of diversity, were determined by counting the
numbers of species in each cell of a 1 x 1 degree
grid using the DIVA-GIS Geographic Information
System (Hijmans et al. 2001;
Results and Discussion
On the basis of the superposition of the
individual tracks for each genus (Fig. 1), three
generalized tracks and six biogeographic nodes
were found (Fig. 2).
Figure 1 Individual tracks for the genera of freshwater Sciaenidae included in the analysis (A: Pachypops,
B: Pachyurus, C: Petilipinnis, D: Plagioscion).
The generalized tracks and the species that define
them are: T1: Pachyurus junki, Plagioscion
squamosissimus; T2: Plagioscion auratus,
Plagioscion ternetzi, Petilipinnis grunniens; T3:
Cavalcanti et al. (2019)
Biogeography of freshwater Sciaenidae
© 2019 The Authors
Pachypops fourcroi, Pachyurus schomburgkii.
The biogeographic nodes are as follows: (1) Rio
Orinoco, between San Fernando de Atabapo and
Santa Barbara del Amazonas (Venezuela); (2) Rio
Paragua, region of Cerro Guaiquinima
(Venezuela); (3) Rio Cuyuni (Venezuela); (4) Rio
Essequibo, Guyana; (5) Rio Amazonas, region of
Óbidos (Brazil); (6) Rio Amazonas, region of
Urucará (Brazil).
Figure 2 Generalized tracks and biogeographic nodes found in the analysis.
These nodes closely correspond to some of those
found by the panbiogeographic analysis of several
groups of terrestrial animals and plants in the
Amazonian subregion presented by Morrone
(2000), namely Imerí (node 1), Guyana/moist
Guyana (nodes 2, 3, and 4), and Várzea (nodes 5
and 6).
Pachyurus bonariensis presents a disjunct
distribution, restricted to the basin of Rio da Prata;
therefore this species does not contribute to any of
the generalized tracks found in the analysis.
The main massing of the species of
included in the present study (Fig. 3) is located in
the Lower Amazon (around Óbidos, Pará, Brazil),
where six of the species do occur.
Cavalcanti et al. (2019)
Biogeography of freshwater Sciaenidae
© 2019 The Authors
Figure 3 - Main massings (centers of diversity) of the species included in this study. Red: six species;
yellow: three to four species; light green: two species; dark green: one species.
The Amazon Basin possesses the largest
concentration of species of Sciaenidae and
constitutes the main massing of the freshwater
species in this family. Track analysis suggests that
the distribution of Sciaenidae was primarily
influenced by the vicariant events associated to
the formation of the basins of Amazonas and
Orinoco rivers, as the uplift of the Andes and
marine transgressions in the north of South
America (Hoorn et al., 2010) and, secondarily, to
the events related to the formation of the Paraná,
Paraguay, and Prata river basins. These events
promoted linkages between marine and freshwater
environments, especially in northern South
America, and their geographic and environmental
effects on the regional distribution of freshwater
biotas have been well documented (Bloom &
Lovejoy, 2017; Lovejoy et al., 2006). The
Guyanas Shield in particular constitutes an
important geotectonic feature in configuring the
distribution patterns of these species, as it has
already been suggested in the case of other
freshwater groups occurring in the region
(Lehmberg et al., 2018). These patterns are
congruent with those observed for other lineages
derived from marine groups in South America
(sponges, mollusks, crustaceans, fishes, and
aquatic mammals) and their integrated analysis by
the panbiogeographic method contributes to
improve the understanding of the events
associated to the complex biogeographic history
of the Amazon Basin.
We thank Michael Heads for reviewing
the manuscript.
This research was supported by grants
from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq #350389/2011-0)
and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do
Amazonas (FAPEAM #2275/11) to MJC.
Cavalcanti et al. (2019)
Biogeography of freshwater Sciaenidae
© 2019 The Authors
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